Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Oh! I dread wash day! It's one of those things that must happen yet I dread and hate it so much I always push it till last minute. Now if only wash day meant jumping in the shower, conditioning my hair and calling it a day, I wouldn't hate it so much. But my wash day involves hot oil treatment, deep conditioning, sitting under a hooded dryer for the full effect of deep conditioning (because my hair is a dry circus thanks to postpartum hormones), THEN jumping in the shower, sectioning my hair, detangling, washing section by section, re twisting each section, conditioning each section, rinsing, then applying a leave in conditioner. It used to take me a total of two hours to just wash my hair, that was before I became a mother. But now, I don't have two hours to spend washing my hair!! The most I take in the shower is maybe 45 mins, and even that is pushing it. So I found something that cuts my time in half, and that is sectioning! Washing my hair in sections is so much more convenient than washing it all matted together as one. It also saves me time after getting off the shower because I don't have to deal with major shrinkage and twisting again. For the moment I'm using olive oil deep conditioner which I love but I might have to start using a DIY deep conditioner because my lovely olive oil deep conditioner is so expensive in Germany I'm not willing to shell out 10 Euros equivalent of $14 every two weeks for a deep conditioner. In the states I used to buy it for $3.99, but darn! Things are on another level of expen$ive here!

Hair saturated with Deep conditioner.

Check out the length. Shrinkage is REAL! 



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