Sunday, October 21, 2012

4Months: Admissible Evidence

Hello Beautiful[S].

The month of May definitely revealed some admissible evidence!

During this month I experienced growth that made me dispel some natural hair myths that I had in my parallel universe of wigs and weaves. I realized the importance of co-washing, and how much my hair loves moisture and craves it. I did my first bantu knots in this month! Turned out great! I also did my first 'banding'.

The Myths:                                                

#1. Black hair doesn't grow--NONSENSE,  IT DOES!

#2. Only Mixed people can have beautiful natural hair---Well in my parallel universe, my lack of knowledge and ignorance about natural hair brought about this myth, which is simply not true. Everybody can have beautiful natural hair, it doesn't matter if you're white, black, mixed, green, purple, blue or yellow. The key to having beautiful healthy hair is CARE!

#3. Black hair is tough, rough, can't be tamed---From a personal experience, the hair gets dry, tough and rough only when it is not cared for. When I don't put enough moisture on my hair due to laziness, of course it's going to be thirsty, and by thirsty I mean dry. When black hair gets dry, it breaks and BREAKS. When hair breaks, you don't get length, and when you don't get length, you wonder why your hair isn't growing. It's like a domino effect, A leads to B which leads to C. You can't get to C without A or B. I have learned that the best way to keep hair soft and manageable is to give it what it deserves, and this brings me to myth # 4.

#4. Black hair hates water-- In my parallel universe of wigs and weaves, my relaxed hair hated water. I washed it twice a month, which is every two weeks. Natural hair thrives on WATER! WATER! I can't stress enough the importance of water. For a newly natural like me, I can't go two days without washing my hair. And by washing I simply mean co-wash. Conditioner +Water.  Even with my protective style, I moisturize my hair every morning when I wake up and every night before I sleep. There are many products out there that you can buy for moisturizing, but all I use is water. I add some coconut oil in the water, mix it, and spritz away.

#5. Guys don't like girls with natural hair---This is Absurd. Again, in my parallel universe of...(ok you should know it by now WIGS AND WEAVES), i used to think that guys only liked women with straight wavy hair, and that only weirdos/lazy people wore their hair natural. It's quite ironic really, but I have to say that since going natural, I have received more compliments from men than before. Not that it matters really, since I'm already spoken for, but I'm simply mentioning it to convey a point. Some men love natural hair, some hate it, some just don't care about hair because it's simply not that important to them. So my advice, do you beautiful. Wear you hair the way it makes you feel fierce!

Hairvidence Month 4:

My first time wearing my hair out, I stretched it out using the 'banding' method. 

My first bantu Knots, I was so super excited to try this one out! It took me a while to master the technique, but finally got how to do it. 

My hair has definitely grown, which definitely nulls myth # 1 above, black hair DOES GROW!


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